ASCII To Binary

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Using ASCII to Binary is effortless but still, if there are any complications and you aren’t getting your desired results, then make sure you are entering data correctly. Also, to avoid any inconvenience, you can follow the steps given:

  • After selection of ASCII to binary calculator, you will find two windows on the main screen. In the first window you will write all the ASCII codes from your file or copy/paste them in this field for conversion as shown in the picture:
  • If the coding is extensive, then you can simply select the “Choose From” option and navigate to the file and upload it. After that just hit the “Convert” button and the ASCII will be converted to binary in the window next to it as shown below:

The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) was developed at a time when computers just understood a few alphabets. It is an encoding system made on the basis of 128 symbols; each symbol or character is assigned a unique binary code so that machines can interpret it.

The symbols include numbers zero to nine, all the alphabets (upper and lower case), special characters such as punctuation marks and more. Pronounced as Az-kee, the ASCII has assigned numbers to these characters starting from zero till 127.

Today there are extended ASCII characters and codes that use eight bits instead of seven like the characters up to 127. The special symbols, drawings and special characters in addition to foreign language letters make the code reach up to 255.

As this portion can be programmed, the figures used in this section are a part of the program you are using. A total of eight binary numbers represent one character, and you can produce an ASCII file using a regular text editor as well.

For the lower bracket of ASCII codes, seven bits are enough for representing a character but now computers reserve one extra bit for the higher bracket of ASCII in case the character set needs modifications. The ASCII basically is a binary file where all the codes are saved, and the stored information is in the form of ones and zeros. Converting ASCII to binary becomes necessary when you are transferring files that contain audio or visual data. Our ASCII to binary converter tool assists you in transforming all the characters into binary.

As binary numbers work as an off and on a switch where one is the presence of electricity in the circuit and zero indicates its absence, all the data in the computers is constituted in binary numbers.

The more the binary numbers are used the more significant the result can be, for example, the more massive combination means more colors in the picture. The data that contains images or executable files are transferred in the binary code. All the browsers that we are using today for surfing the internet, their process of identifying and displaying the results involve a bunch of steps.

First, the browsers have to match the binary numbers encoded in them to the ASCII characters used in a development file, after which browser constructs the image according to the code to view it in the browser as instructed.

All the data that is saved in computers is found in this format, and it is really difficult to convert all the data into binary manually, especially when it is the need of the hour. You can’t convert ASCII to binary when you have large numbers in files because it takes a lot of time to find and write.

ASCII to Binary Conversion Table

ASCII Binary
NUL 00000000
SOH 00000001
STX 00000010
ETX 00000011
EOT 00000100
ENQ 00000101
ACK 00000110
BEL 00000111
BS 00001000
HT 00001001
LF 00001010
VT 00001011
FF 00001100
CR 00001101
SO 00001110
SI 00001111
DLE 00010000
DC1 00010001
DC2 00010010
DC3 00010011
DC4 00010100
NAK 00010101
SYN 00010110
ETB 00010111
CAN 00011000
EM 00011001
SUB 00011010
ESC 00011011
FS 00011100
GS 00011101
RS 00011110
US 00011111
Space 00100000
! 00100001
" 00100010
# 00100011
$ 00100100
% 00100101
& 00100110
' 00100111
( 00101000
) 00101001
* 00101010
+ 00101011
- 00101101
. 00101110
/ 00101111
0 00110000
1 00110001
2 00110010
3 00110011
4 00110100
5 00110101
6 00110110
7 00110111
8 00111000
9 00111001
: 00111010
; 00111011
< 00111100
= 00111101
> 00111110
? 00111111
@ 01000000
A 01000001
B 01000010
C 01000011
D 01000100
E 01000101
F 01000110
G 01000111
H 01001000
I 01001001
J 01001010
K 01001011
L 01001100
M 01001101
N 01001110
O 01001111
P 01010000
Q 01010001
R 01010010
S 01010011
T 01010100
U 01010101
V 01010110
W 01010111
X 01011000
Y 01011001
Z 01011010
[ 01011011
\ 01011100
] 01011101
^ 01011110
_ 01011111
` 01100000
a 01100001
b 01100010
c 01100011
d 01100100
e 01100101
f 01100110
g 01100111
h 01101000
i 01101001
j 01101010
k 01101011
l 01101100
m 01101101
n 01101110
o 01101111
p 01110000
q 01110001
r 01110010
s 01110011
t 01110100
u 01110101
v 01110110
w 01110111
x 01111000
y 01111001
z 01111010
{ 01111011
| 01111100
} 01111101
~ 01111110
DEL 01111111