Convert ASCII to Text online with our ASCII code converter within seconds. Simple, enter the ASCII code in the left side box and click the button to get the converted text.

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Follow the below steps to use our ASCII converter:

  1. Pate the ASCII code in the left side box or upload a file with ASCII codes from your device.
  2. Click the “Convert” button to start the ASCII conversion.
  3. The converted text will appear in the right side box instantly.
  4. You can simply copy results to your clipboard or click “Download” to save them as a .txt file.

The key functionalities of our ASCII code converter make it perfect among the other online utilities. Some of its main features are listed below:

Completely Free

Users are not restricted to make an account or buy any membership to use our ASCII translator. You can use the utility for free as many times as you desire. No matter how many ASCII codes you want to convert into text.

Easy to Use

The ASCII converter has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to utilize it. You don’t have to follow any complex procedure to convert ASCII to text using this online utility.

Fast Conversion

The ASCII code translator offered by Duplichecker enables users to perform quick online conversions. As soon as a user enter the ASCII value, advanced algorithms working at the backend of the utility will process the data and provide you with the desired output in seconds.


The results generated by the ASCII decoder are 100% accurate. You can use any method or take the assistance of any professional to ensure the accuracy of the converted text.


The online ASCII translator is compatible with all types of operating systems, including Android, IOS, Mac, and Desktops. You only need a web browser and a good internet connection to use this online utility.

The manual process of converting ASCII into text format takes a significant amount of time. And if the character sets are large, then it would take a lot of time to turn ASCII into text. You need to remember the ASCII values for all the 128 characters that is quite a difficult task. But, with an online ASCII to text converter, you can do the same task in a couple of seconds. You just need to enter the ASCII value into the utility, and it will convert it to text format instantly. Now, you don't have to take help from the ASCII conversion table anymore to convert ASCII code to text format.

ASCII stands for (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), it is basically a standard that contains all the characters with assigned codes. All computers use this format to share files with other computers on different devices and networks.

ASCII also includes control characters, which are used to alter the appearance of text. There are a total of 128 characters starting from 0-127. Each character, letter or number occupies eight bits which is one bit less than a byte.

All the software or applications we use that deal with text are using ASCII numbers. All the files including documents or source codes that is used for programming are stored as the ASCII text. Computers can only process numbers (0,1) as input, andASCII is the numerical representation of these characters that computer systems can understand.

ASCII files can be transferred without any special commands, but binary files require special commands. In the past, the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) required setting a command known as SET BINARY to transfer binary files. But, the currently used file transfer protocol transfers both the data (ASCII & Binary) in the exact and correct manner automatically.

The extended ASCII is still not supported by all networking channels. However, ASCII is essential as it is used to represent any data that is in the text format and any computer can display it without any additional requirement.

What Is an ASCII Text?

ASCII is the abbreviation for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. This is one of the most famous characters encoding formats for data. ASCII is a widely used format to transfer data between computers and other technological devices.

How Do I Convert ASCII Characters?

The simplest way of extracting text from ASCII is by converting it into characters. You can convert ASCII characters into text format with an ASCII to text converter.

ASCII to Text Conversion Table

ASCII Binary Decimal Hexdecimal
NUL 00000000 0 00
SOH 00000001 1 01
STX 00000010 2 02
ETX 00000011 3 03
EOT 00000100 4 04
ENQ 00000101 5 05
ACK 00000110 6 06
BEL 00000111 7 07
BS 00001000 8 08
HT 00001001 9 09
LF 00001010 10 0A
VT 00001011 11 0B
FF 00001100 12 0C
CR 00001101 13 0D
SO 00001110 14 0E
SI 00001111 15 0F
DLE 00010000 16 10
DC1 00010001 17 11
DC2 00010010 18 12
DC3 00010011 19 13
DC4 00010100 20 14
NAK 00010101 21 15
SYN 00010110 22 16
ETB 00010111 23 17
CAN 00011000 24 18
EM 00011001 25 19
SUB 00011010 26 1A
ESC 00011011 27 1B
FS 00011100 28 1C
GS 00011101 29 1D
RS 00011110 30 1E
US 00011111 31 1F
Space 00100000 32 20
! 00100001 33 21
" 00100010 34 22
# 00100011 35 23
$ 00100100 36 24
% 00100101 37 25
& 00100110 38 26
' 00100111 39 27
( 00101000 40 28
) 00101001 41 29
* 00101010 42 2A
+ 00101011 43 2B
, 00101100 44 2C
- 00101101 45 2D
. 00101110 46 2E
/ 00101111 47 2F
0 00110000 48 30
1 00110001 49 31
2 00110010 50 32
3 00110011 51 33
4 00110100 52 34
5 00110101 53 35
6 00110110 54 36
7 00110111 55 37
8 00111000 56 38
9 00111001 57 39
: 00111010 58 3A
; 00111011 59 3B
< 00111100 60 3C
= 00111101 61 3D
> 00111110 62 3E
? 00111111 63 3F
@ 01000000 64 40
A 01000001 65 41
B 01000010 66 42
C 01000011 67 43
D 01000100 68 44
E 01000101 69 45
F 01000110 70 46
G 01000111 71 47
H 01001000 72 48
I 01001001 73 49
J 01001010 74 4A
K 01001011 75 4B
L 01001100 76 4C
M 01001101 77 4D
N 01001110 78 4E
O 01001111 79 4F
P 01010000 80 50
Q 01010001 81 51
R 01010010 82 52
S 01010011 83 53
T 01010100 84 54
U 01010101 85 55
V 01010110 86 56
W 01010111 87 57
X 01011000 88 58
Y 01011001 89 59
Z 01011010 90 5A
[ 01011011 91 5B
\ 01011100 92 5C
] 01011101 93 5D
^ 01011110 94 5E
_ 01011111 95 5F
` 01100000 96 60
a 01100001 97 61
b 01100010 98 62
c 01100011 99 63
d 01100100 100 64
e 01100101 101 65
f 01100110 102 66
g 01100111 103 67
h 01101000 104 68
i 01101001 105 69
j 01101010 106 6A
k 01101011 107 6B
l 01101100 108 6C
m 01101101 109 6D
n 01101110 110 6E
o 01101111 111 6F
p 01110000 112 70
q 01110001 113 71
r 01110010 114 72
s 01110011 115 73
t 01110100 116 74
u 01110101 117 75
v 01110110 118 76
w 01110111 119 77
x 01111000 120 78
y 01111001 121 79
z 01111010 122 7A
{ 01111011 123 7B
| 01111100 124 7C
} 01111101 125 7D
~ 01111110 126 7E
DEL 01111111 127 7F