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What are articles? There are two types of articles. One grammatical article and second is informative article. In grammatical article we discussed about alphabets like a, an, the. They refer to something not specifically known to the person you are communicating with. The other one are informative articles in which we describe the content that wrote for a specific topic for basic information of anything or personality. If writing for thing it will be used for marketing purpose. In Internet, world articles are in major roll. Articles are the basic block of any Internet web. Without it, traffic has no need to open that web, if there are no articles on that web people cannot gather any kind of information about their relative thing that they are selling or marketing. The value of a site is based upon its Articles, the perceived value of a website. Anyone can write articles by gathering information about that product or about that personality. It is not necessary to be formal or informal, depending on the target audience. It should be written in an interesting or entertaining manner but not like report. Showing suggestion and facts what you are writing about.
Some of techs to write an article are, put some experience, facts. Present some suggestions and arguments in that in contrast manner. Provide some information, present your views and offer advice. Best articles consist of excellent and attractive heading so that attract readers and also have subheading of each paragraph so the reader can understand easily what you are talking about. First paragraph is about introduction that’s developed the interest of any reader. After that the detail description about the topic from which the reader can understand everything about it and should be informative. In the last paragraph summarize your article concept and tell about your recommendation and opinion.
The most important thing about writing articles is clear concept of that topic you are talking about and remember To Whom It May Concern. For example, you are writing for a newspaper, for magazine, for website, for project, for medical research or for personality etc so that it will be easier to write. Get maximum information from different sources about your topic so your article become powerful and interesting. Use vocabulary and descriptive language appropriate for the article. Linking words and expressions, and a variety of vocabulary will only improve your work and make it more interesting. Do not use over-personal or over-emotional language or simplistic vocabulary. Do not make yourself discussed in the article you are writing for public for their information. Use beautiful font in writing but do not decorate your article unless it is needed. After writing your article read it carefully for spelling mistake, grammatical mistakes or any missing important information about that topic you are writing before publish it anywhere. Remember does not copy the concept from anywhere just gather the information for your best work otherwise; it will not create your good impression on reader.