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Globalization, simply put, is the spreading and homogenizing of cultures. Globalization refers to an increasing level of global relationships between cultures and people, and especially economic activity. Globalization is the integration of cultures, societies, people, and economies. Globalization is what we live in today! It is the tolerance and acceptance of differences in cultures and societies, and in the ways, people think and perceive the world around them. With greater human contact and human interaction, people become greatly aware of their difference but at the same time increasingly accepting of this variation.
Globalization is the perception that there is a broadening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of life, from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the environmental. Human interaction has altered the way people live today and how they see the world around them, facilitated by economic liberty, international trade, and now the World Wide Web.
Greatly improved by the creation of the internet globalization has made the people of the world all the more conscious about their surroundings. Thanks to globalization people are more aware of the world they live in today and feel a far greater responsibility towards it. Globalization began as a concept in an economy when tariffs and trade barriers were removed to facilitate international trade. It helped and allowed people to travel across continents and view different cultures and society’s first-hand. This helped build greater acceptance and appreciation among them for these differences in lifestyle.
it is famously said that the world became a global village. The internet has removed boundaries and reduced distances. Thanks to technology you can now access just about any place in the world with a single click on your computer. This has improved the purpose of globalization immensely and has given it an entirely new definition. The internet has helped globalization become a more permanent phenomenon.
the daily conditions of any place in the world, no matter what timeline you live on! With the internet have comes various other things like search engines, social networking, and blogs, which greatly help develop a global opinion and mood which impacts the entire world’s population and makes them all the more conscious about what is happening around them.
make people aware of this concept in which they are living. It helps them understand the general concepts around them and embrace them in a much better way. Some articles give a history of this concept in order to help people understand fully what a globalized world is all about! These articles further explain the effects, impacts, benefits, and drawbacks of an increasingly globalized world. It is important to read articles on globalization so that people become aware of all that is happening around them and have a greater appreciation, acceptance, and tolerance of changing circumstances. Globalization is here to stay and we must accept and understand it!