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Committing plagiarism is not less than a crime; however, it can happen unintentionally as well. It is considered a very serious kind of dishonesty for which writers are penalized as well. Bloggers and online marketers may have to face a severe type of penalties where Google has regulating authorities. So bloggers can’t even think of committing plagiarism because there are 100% chances that their content will be caught and removed from their website or blog. Google has the authority to block websites and blogs as well.
caught for the plagiarism; claim to be honest as they don’t know that their written text would match with the contents of someone else. Ignorance is the excuse which can’t be acceptable at all. If you are facing such kinds of issue, then, you need to learn the most appropriate and reliable techniques to conduct your research. It will be very helpful for you to incorporate your acquired knowledge into your own document. You must try to learn how to check for plagiarism to avoid being plagiarized accidentally before you post your contents online. Below are a few tips:
If you intend to check your documents for plagiarism, then you have to take help from different online and offline resources. There are several paid and free online services which can be helpful for you to check for plagiarism. Remember that free plagiarism checkers would offer you to check a limited number of words and the free package wouldn’t include all the features. If you are into the business of online marketing then you can’t rely on the free packages. You have to invest a few dollars to safeguard your business. Now we will discuss different services to check for the plagiarism.
This online plagiarism detection website has two different versions. You can check your text free of cost for the plagiarism with limited features. It is advisable to avail the paid service of Plagiarism Detect if you need outstanding results.
The Plagiarism Checker would give you two different options to check your content. You can check it through Yahoo as well as Google. This is a free plagiarism checking web application which allows you to check the originality of the content. Before you try to use this web application, you should know that the number of words would be very limited. Word limit of Yahoo would be 50 and for Google would allow you to check up to 32 words.
This is a very similar tool to check for plagiarism which also allows you to check your content with Yahoo and Google. You can also compare the search results by using both search engines. Either you can copy and paste the content into the text box or you can upload your file and scan the document.
Bottom line is that you can’t live with the plagiarized content online. There are automated programs and algorithms which have been designed to catch the plagiarized contents. So you have to have some way to get contents free of plagiarism.