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The browsers are able to use some of the search engines by default. Sometimes it is preferable to switch between the searching engines so as to explore the better experiences during search.
Following are the simplest guidelines that are useful in changing a default search engine on the browser you use in less than a minute.These steps are applied to the latest versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. GOOGLE CHROME:
1. Go to the setting icon i.e. a wrench on the top of the right side of browser and click Options.
2. Next select Basics on the left side. There you can see Search written and next to it is the list of available search engines. Select one from there.
3. If you wish to add a search engine other than those in the list, go to the Manage search engines to add or remove any other search engine.
4. The other way to change the search engine to the one you like, go to the desired search engine website and enter a query. Go back to the wrench icon on the chrome page, select Options then Basics and Manage search engine. There you can see your desired search engine under the option of Other search engine. Click Make Default.
Google is the searching engine of the firefox by default. Follow these easy steps to get it changed:
1. There is an icon of the default search engine on the left side of searching toolbar, click it.
2. The list shows the available search engines. Select one from them you like to have.
3. To add a new search engine, go to the Manage search engines.
4. Select the Get more engines and enter the desired search engine or browse it from your computer. Once you find its name there click Add to Firefox option and enjoy the change.
Bing is the default search provider for the Internet Explorer. Tired of it? Get it changed by following these steps.
1. Go to the Tool option on the right top corner of the browser.
2. Click Manage Add-ons.
3. Under Add-on types, select search providers.
4. Go to the search engine you want to choose and highlight it by a click.
5. On the lower right corner, click Set as Default.
6. If you want to add a search provider other than those in the list, go to the Manage add-ons option.
7. Select Find more search providers option on the lower left side of the page. There you can see the list of Add-ons.
8. Select the Search option and enter the desired search provider.
9. Next follow the steps that are mentioned to add the search engine to internet explorer.