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Nursing is considered to be the noblest of all the professions. Nursing encompasses autonomous and collaborative care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well and in all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and the care of ill, disabled and dying people.
Advocacy, promotion of a safe environment, research, participation in shaping health policy and in patient and health systems management, and education are also key nursing roles before the events that led to the bloody Crimean War, no one had realized the importance of this profession. The subsequent wars of attrition such as the first and the Second World War turn nursing into a full-fledged scientific profession quite capable of being deployed for civil and military purposes. Now it has become a health care profession that focuses on the care of the individuals or the communities so that they could retain their optimal health. Ever since the publication of Florence Nightingale’s book “Notes on Nursing” there has been a tremendous development and advancement in this field: the modern era has seen the development of nursing degrees and nursing has numerous journals to broaden the knowledge base of the profession. Nurses are often in key management roles within health services and hold research posts at universities.
Almost everywhere the theory and practice of nursing is defined by the government laws and entry into this profession is also regulated by a legal framework. The nurses not only have to take care of the sick but also have to look over their physical, emotional and psychological well being which means that this profession combines physical science, social science, nursing theory, and technology in caring for those individuals.
This all suggests that there is a growing need for nursing research articles as the field of nursing is growing in its importance day by day. Since this field is overseen by the medical community and being regulated by the strict government laws not every article can be called as the nursing research article. They ought to be approved and scientifically tested before these nursing research articles could be opened up for public consumption because it is directly related to people’s health and over all physical well being.
Now then, as we have talked about the overarching importance of this field, we must also talk about its various fields. For those fields the nursing research articles should be precise, based on systematic review, and having a qualitative or quantitative study. There are a number of websites that provide a wealth of nursing research articles for a growing number of nursing students. These articles are based on qualitative reasoning, sound medical evidence and are compiled by senior research fellows at the top most universities. By entering your research parameters you will be able to find the required nursing research articles with just one click of the mouse. However, before searching for nursing research articles, one thing must always be kept in mind that the essence of all research originates in curiosity.