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In science and human medicine, nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing foods. Science studies how the body breaks food down and repairs and creates cells and tissues. Basically, nutrition consists of diet (what you take in) and metabolism (what happens to it after it enters your body). I know we all want complete information about nutrition. Such as, what is nutrition, how can we get the right nutrition, what are nutrients, what is proper nutrition or anything related to nutrition can be found in the articles on nutrition? All queries resolved after studying this blog.
Nutrition is the most discussed topic of food science because it is related to the basic health of all humans. Nutrition is present in all processes of life. Right from the moment the sperm fertilizes an egg, through fetal development, to the birth, human growth, maturity, old age, and eventual death. Even after death, the human body serves as nutrition for other organisms. Anything that involves life and chemical or biochemical movement has nutrition at its core.
Nutrition is the sum of the processes involved in the taking in food and utilization of its substances by which growth, repair, and maintenance of the body are accomplished. If you are not getting adequate amounts of some required nutrients, your body will develop symptoms of deficiency. For example deficiency of calcium or vitamin D will affect the bones, deficiency of protein deficiency causes wasting of the muscles, and deficiency of vitamin A and E will affect skin and hair.
When you begin to understand the relationship of vitamins and minerals in the foods you eat, you also get to know the significant role they play in your overall health and understand highly nutritious food. For a healthy life, we need a proper and balanced diet. There are six major classes of nutrients:
A balanced combination of all these nutrients is the source of right and sufficient nutrition. This means a complete diet that your body requires for the right metabolism, catabolism, the ingestion should contain all these nutrients. However, the number of nutrients in the diet can vary from person to person. If you do not have proper nutrition, your body will lack one or more essential nutrients and will not be able to function normally.
To function properly, your body must take in adequate amounts of several vitamins and minerals as well as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. To do it more professionally then nutritionists are the best option. And he decides what and when to eat in highly personal ways, often based on cultural, behavioral, or social motives.
Our aim is to educate the general public about nutritional facts so as, they improve their overall well-being and fitness. It also helps them to identify how certain diseases, conditions, or problems may be caused by dietary factors, such as poor diet, food allergies, metabolic diseases, etc. So, maintaining a balanced diet today and enjoy the good spring of life.