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Man has been always interested in what is going on in his surroundings or what is new in the background. An amalgam of new happenings was given a title of “News’’ by man. Firstly, the news was written by hand and was sold to the community and the paper was called the newspaper. Later it was printed by the typing machines and was distributed on a larger scale. Generations and generations contributed to give the newspaper the present form. The old newspaper articles were just regarding the issues of a limited circle and were deprived of proper research. By the passage of time this also got progress like the other things and the articles that were written were more comprehensive and appropriate.
As the world progressed in the field of education and literature the newspapers also started having a literary touch. Great historic scholars used to write in the newspapers for the moral betterment of the common man. But now man is equipped with the news of the faraway continent too. Hence the newspaper articles of the present age unlike the old newspaper articles are outfitted with proper investigation and research. Nowadays newspapers are set with articles regarding the issues of the whole world. International affairs, economic situation, fashion and trends, public problems, crimes and thefts, working of every government office are the topics with which the present day and age newspapers are laden with, dissimilar to the old newspaper articles. Now information from the basic general weather report to the international news, from the crime issues to the president’s remarks are there in the newspaper. In the older days when the research medium was not that vast, the old newspaper articles were not this much superior. In the present age, entire magazines are issued on a particular subject as fashion, patriotic topics and economy etc. But this fact also remains that the old newspaper articles give us information about the interests and caliber of the men of the past era. More over, yellow journalism is destroying badly the moral values of the present human being. Abusive articles, illiterate approach and irrelevant stuff are printed in the newspapers and lead the nation towards the wrong path. The old articles were no doubt less advanced, less informative but they were written for the moral betterment of the man instead of leading him towards immorality. They were laden with high literature which is not seen in the present age. In this advanced era, print media is very self-governing and self regulating. This point is negatively used by certain journalists. They write abusive articles and use bad language about the government which is not appreciating in any way. Old newspaper articles were also used as a medium of promotion of problems of the common man. But now, newspaper editors are just busy in decorating their covers with spicy news, not focusing on the hardships an ordinary man still has to face. There is a need to lead the print media towards positive path.