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Plagiarism has been defined differently by different scholars and experts of writing whether they belong to the field of literature or general writing like that of scientific papers, theses, books or web content like articles. It has been defined by law as the appropriation of writing or data. It is specifically brought to concern when it is related to publication or purloining of the data or write up. This act is often considered more criminal when the publication of the same text is done without citing the original source or paying the rightful attribute to the original writer of the write-up or text.
the scientific creations and researches are also greatly prone to these infiltrations and plagiarism are deeply penetrating its roots in academic fields as well. Therefore it is very important to cure this menace of plagiarism and uproot it to the maximum possible extent so that the academic, scientific and arts fields may be saved.
concerned with the publication and representation of some other person’s work under one’s label and citation without acknowledging the source. In this way when the copied work is published, it may or may not be making sense relevant to the topic. In this way, the idea of copyright may be problematic for the writer because he may have left some problems unclear and sometimes unexplained. There has been a gradual development and advancement in these acts of it and it very gradually but constantly penetrated the literary works and infiltrated the original works of the genuine writers, poets, lyricists, and others.
The most common kind of plagiarism is seen in literary works. But nowadays many different types of plagiarisms have been seen and have resulted in the purification of many different fields of arts, science and genuine creations of people all over the world. For example, nowadays the most common kind of plagiarism observed among the various practical and professional genres is in movies and music. This can be very dangerous because this results in the spoilage of the career of the person who originally created it or worked on that piece. Moreover, the real worth and value of the original creation and work are also reduced to a great extent.
it is ironic that many people promote content curation. Through Curation a part of website content or blogs is taken and then added in other websites or blogs. Plagiarism and curation (Paraphrasing) are gaining momentum these days and a lot of people find nothing bad in stealing others’ work and using as their own content. On academic grounds, the act of plagiarism is considered as the great academic dishonesty on part of students and of those teachers as well who do not keep a proper and strict check and balance on the act.
because it goes totally against the code of ethics in journalistic compliance and literary works. In academic institutions, the plagiarism is greatly being discouraged and the student is strictly dealt with if found guilty of practicing plagiarism. Such students are nowadays subjected to expulsion. Although it is not considered as a crime it is surely a moral offense. In these cases, the act of plagiarism is subjected to the right of copyright infringement.