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The word plagiarism means, the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work, as by not crediting the author or something used or represented in this manner. Plagiarism is a form of cheating or stealing. Taking credit for someone other’s work or thoughts is definitely unacceptable, so plagiarism is a crime.
It is immoral to copy something out of a book, newspaper, journal, or any other printed source and represent it with your name, without giving the real owner any credit. Plagiarism is a serious offense. The most worrying side of crime is that today no one is safe from this offense. We can find plagiarism happening in all areas of life, like journalism, art, statistical departments, media, and even school, colleges and universities are not safe from this sin. The worst practicing of plagiarism is seen on the internet. Plagiarism is not just an ethical crime but it has very dangerous consequences as well.
To deal with this immoral crime there should be an effective plagiarism policy. To avoid academic plagiarism all the colleges and universities need to make a plagiarism policy that can strongly control plagiarism. Massive and deep research is needed to make an effective plagiarism policy. To avoid plagiarism among students, consultancy plays an important role in plagiarism policy. The temptation to commit plagiarism often reflects a lack of confidence in one’s own skills and knowledge. So psychological consultancy can play an important role in this regard. Teachers also play a vital role in this regard.
If an effective plagiarism policy is made, the plagiarism can be control in all its shapes. It can reduce the stealing of art, research papers, articles, books, poetry, statistical data, and online plagiarism. A plagiarism policy should be made after closely investigating all the perspectives like the reason for plagiarism, why people do it, what encourages plagiarism, etc.
Plagiarism policy should include a complete investigation of the crime, confidentiality, close study of results of the investigation, penalties for plagiarism, and the most important it’s preventive strategies. The policy-making team should include legal authorities, psychiatrists, and social sciences experts so that every aspect of plagiarism can be taken into consideration. That is how a powerful and successful plagiarism policy can be made.
To avoid this immoral offense, the very first thing is education. The authorities need to educate people about the crime of plagiarism, What plagiarism is. Because most people do this crime without realizing that they are committing an offense. Strong steps should be taken which condemn and discourage plagiarism. When people know the consequences of doing plagiarism they will automatically avoid this. To deal with plagiarism there are now many plagiarism scanners and software.