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A tutorial is a short document, more preferably a video, that helps you understand how to do something.
However, it is still much more useful than a lecture or a book because a tutorial is much more interactive. In a tutorial, you see how to do a task. Whether it is making a hairstyle or assembling a piece of furniture, tutorials help teach you by example. A tutorial is more specific to the task that you wish to do and since they are interactive, much more fun to watch!
helps you learn all about what plagiarism is and how should you counter it. Plagiarism is a serious academic crime and it needs to be contained. Plagiarists need to feel that they will not go unpunished and they cannot escape detection.
A plagiarist needs to understand that their crime is serious and a simple copy-pasting is harming the intellectual environment gravely. Plagiarism tutorials are essential for both students and teachers.
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of manuals that guide how you write an assignment and how to properly cite references in it, a tutorial is much more interactive and adds the fun part with learning. A student may think he has innocently ‘borrowed’ a few lines from somewhere and may not feel the need of providing a citation when he has changed the words very tactfully.
Why students might wonder? Well because even ideas can be stolen! Even if you change the lines a little and twist about some words, the core idea remains the same and it is very foreign to your paper or assignment and should be given the due credit.
Sometimes students feel that certain knowledge in a field comes under the category of common knowledge. A piece of common knowledge in a field is a set of widely accepted facts that professionals of that field come to accept as belonging to everyone and that no specific individual has total hegemony over them! However, at student level you are still much too young to share in that common knowledge and whilst referring to it in any assignment you need to back it up with a set of references, or else it is plagiarism in its most classic form!
with the term and the techniques. They help you understand what standard plagiarism is and what some teachers might regard as plagiarism, although many manuals may not consider it so.
Moreover, a tutorial can explain to you how punishment is very real, as real as your chances of committing this intellectual crime without much thought! So get yourselves educated about plagiarism and tutorials are one of the easiest ways to do that.
They provide a package deal, by helping you build orientation of the subject and telling you its type and how to prevent it. Tutorials are useful for both teachers and students and save a lot of time!