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Plagiarism FAQs Explanation
The first question that is frequently asked by most of the people is the definition of Plagiarism. In fact, Plagiarism is the issue of today’s knowledge age and it is the putting down someone’s other work as your own. It is not just limited to the copy paste work but it includes the copy of the idea, the substitution of synonyms and the work without references. Moreover, if the proper and the complete reference sources are not given then it is also a form of Plagiarism FAQs.
Most of the people do not consider the Plagiarism as copying one line but in fact whatever you plagiarize and how much you plagiarize, ultimately it is a criminal act. Although there is the relaxation on the types of Plagiarism and also to some limit on the quantity of the text still the consequences are quite strict.
In most of the cases, the citation can also be included in Plagiarism because if the proper reference is not given then the citation does not matter. For this, you can go on the Internet and you can find the proper way to refer to the text and the sources. Even if you cheat the idea very closely, or you do not mention the quotation marks, you are accused of plagiarism even if you cite the source.
The punishments of plagiarism are standardized but it depends on many factors. The first thing is the level of plagiarism either it has done on the low level like a small educational level or at a higher level like, at the professional level.
There are different ways through which plagiarism can be avoided by giving the proper references and following the standardized plagiarism format. Secondly, the check on plagiarism can be achieved through regular meetings with the students during the process of their projects. The use of the software like the www.duplickecker.com can also identify the plagiarism.
There are certain laws to control the plagiarism and these laws like the Copyright laws exist to protect the stealing of the other works which is a crime. But for this firstly, the innovators have to register them with the copyrights for a specific doing and then if there is an illegal use occur like plagiarism, the party can have the claim of plagiarism. It is not only applicable at the educational level but also in the images, music, text, videos, and ideas. There is a trademark of © on the copyright well-protected work and most of the times such work is available on the request of registration but with the increase in the free website content, the issues are getting more focused to be discussed.
There is a wide range of work available on the Internet and in many books and it is not possible to protect all of the work through copyright therefore, the original ideas or information is only protected.
In most of the cases, it can be done because the reader can use the data with proper reference but still much research and the justifications are required. The Works that are not copyrighted are the public domain and that work can be used freely but with the proper reference.