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If one’s work has been duped, copied or stolen, it is said to have been plagiarized. Plagiarize also means taking something without permission, and not even stating the source from where one copied it.
If you have been given some sort of assignment in your institution, and you plagiarize the work by copying whole or parts of content from sources, it becomes a serious offense.
You know that the main purpose of any assignment is to show your thinking and not borrowed ideas. It is wrong to plagiarize from books, articles or web sites without identifying them and tagging the stolen work as yours.
The main idea behind citing the source is not only that you do not pay a visit to the dean for plagiarism, but also saving yourself from a serious offense.
It’s not only a courtesy to the readers so that they too can pay a visit to the source and get benefitted from it, but also citing the source adds to your credibility.
for you to create a relationship in your thinking and the reading you have done.
It should also be kept in mind that if you plagiarize one’s work, only by using ‘common knowledge’ ideas, you will not be accused of plagiarism. Facts and figures easily available in the books and articles are known as common knowledge, but it would be courteous if you mention some link or reference to it.
or the four seasons in a year are the examples of ‘common knowledge’.
If you are using someone’s exact words or any quotation enclose them in the quotation. There are websites available that can guide you on how to use quotations.
In most cases try to use your own words for summarizing your ideas, and just quote the source so that the reader can understand the basic idea behind it. It is indecent to plagiarize some work intentionally or unintentionally and making the reader believe, you are the one who created it.
the work done comes under the category of plagiarism or not, and then follow the steps so as not to be accused of stealing the work. For example, if the facts are disputed among your discipline, try giving the source so that the reader may find it trustworthy and can make a genuine opinion about it. It is appropriate in any case to give references or use quotations whenever some words or ideas have been copied.
menace to society and it is like hampering one’s work. Some bodies are taking effective measures to curb this disease so that the genuine content writer’s, bloggers or any individual might feel safe that their work will be safe when published.
We also must keep in mind that we do not become a part of this violation, as ignorance of the law is no excuse at all. Failing to abide by the rules can result in a punishment depending on the nature of the violation and it is also possible that the accused faces judgment in the court of law.
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