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Protecting the Freelance Writing Service
Authors and scholars have always concerns regarding the plagiarism with their literary and intellectual material. The plagiarism has become a pretty much-complicated issue after the emergence of information technology. You need to be very clear what exactly plagiarism refers to. Plagiarism is a very modern form of stealing. It refers to stealing the ideas and imaginations of others. Stealing the written stuff, research work, inventions, etc are also considered the plagiarism.
Normally, when some author has created his own creative material, he/she must have copyrights for the written material. If someone else would use that material in any way without the permission of the author, it would be considered the violation of copyright laws. But if you are authorized and have the permission of the author only then you can use that material.
If you are the “Freelance Writing Service” then, you would be working with multiple individuals (freelance writers). Protecting the freelance writing service customers from Plagiarism is your responsibility to ensure that your writer must have an understanding of ethical as well as moral issues related to plagiarism. Some of the professional online marketers and writers may argue that you don’t have to bother about the above-mentioned issues as you have various plagiarism checking applications. That is true; you can use Copyscape and other similar software applications to check for the plagiarism. But you have to believe that these software applications are good enough to offer 100 percent accuracy. This is the reason that you have to have trusted people working with you. If your writers are using to plagiarism and they don’t have the capability to produce the creative work then it would be proved damaging for your business.
Many people would disagree with this argument that Plagiarism checking software applications are not capable to offer 100 percent check on a duplicated material. Does plagiarism check software application has the capability to determine the ideas and thoughts which are being stolen from somewhere? Of course, the same ideas and thoughts can be written in different wordings and they will never be caught for the plagiarism through these software applications. Of course, these applications are designed only to match the contents. No doubt they can find out the matching contents and their sources if there is some duplicated work but they are intelligent enough to figure out the thoughts and concepts behind some text. So this is the point what must be considered by the writers, authors, and online marketers.
Freelancing Services have to find out a mechanism to avoid these issues so that they should be able to provide 100 percent with the plagiarism free content. There is a specific way to use the ideas of other authors. You can take the idea and write it into your own words and then provide with the full citation for the reference. This is a great way to give credit to the original authors and writers. It is not a very easy job to avoid such kind of plagiarism but it might be possible by sorting out appropriate strategies.