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Science is the practice and intellectual activity of observation and experiments surrounded by structured behavior of physical and natural world. It can be bet that 90% of the readers would have more authentic, more specified and more simply targeted definition of Science as I mentioned above in the beginning of this reading. If you have spend few months while studying about science, it can be said that you are the finest person that you can develop your own fittest definition of Science as no definition can be said to define a complete science and in all definitions, it is tried to define most of the aspects of Science, which means, all definitions are authentic, if they cover an appropriate area of science.
Going a bit in details, there are lots of branches of science and you can find a detailed elaboration of each of the kind of science in any Recent Science Articles but we can briefly discuss about some of the major branches of sciences that are normally studied in our societies.
At first, when we have is one of the very popular aspects of science that is medical and health science. It includes all the aspects of human body that how different organs of human body work for the accomplishment of same task and what task is necessary in case of having any hazardous measure. However, any Recent Science Articles can assure you about the latest happenings of this science.
Secondly, when have chemistry and physics that is another most important aspect of science and nowadays, these both are found very popular choices of students, who want to make their scope in science. However, one of the Recent Science Articles assured that these are the 2nd highly studied branch of science all over the world. In chemistry, we have lots of chemicals to discuss, whereas in physics, we discuss about the combination of force and motion. In physics, you would have heard about the Newton Laws of Motion that is creation of physics.
At third, we have zoology, botany, environmental science, agricultural science, microbiology and so on that is normally discussed in the middle of normal Recent Science Articles. You can consider these as the most specialized subjects or branches of science that has a great demand in whole world but most of these have only specialization in much selected institutions rather than general universities.
However, all the above mentioned are the most popular branches of science and the scope of science does not end at any corner because it starts from your day to day life till the limits of thinking as lots of things are still hidden in the world and need to be explored.
Whereas, social sciences have a complete different aspect of Recent Science Articles as it deals with the society or the behavior of human beings. It also covers different aspects of Management Sciences such as Human Resources Management, Administration, Organizational Behavior etc, as these are also considered as the part of Psychology.