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You could think of hundreds of reasons for plagiarism to take place but what are those major reasons that have given so much popularity and rise to plagiarism in the recent days? Why after knowing the consequences and dangers of plagiarism writers still choose to do it?
is that plagiarism isn’t taking place on internet only but it is now very common among different forms of mediums as well. Plagiarism is taking place from radio to video, newspapers to online videos, online images to TV news and among all the possible combinations is a wonder.
There are several reasons for why plagiarism has become a commonplace action on the internet and across other forms of media. Some of these are below:
These reasons are being stated so the readers could consider them as another reminder to avoid plagiarism as they enter their professional lives.
to mention this as a first reason that internet has made things quite easy and plagiarism is one of them. People can now use software to spin an already written content to make it their own. These software are easily available online and don’t cost much so buying them is no big deal.
you can create spun content within seconds and earn thousands of dollars at the end of the month without writing even a word from your own mind.
Internet has allowed people to work from home and earn money, and even become entrepreneurs by creating their own websites with a very small amount of money.
workers into the industry of online marketing and writing who are not much aware of the professional deeds when it comes to online marketing. Many of them don’t even know that plagiarism is illegal at all.
where money doesn’t play a role: it plays in plagiarism as well. People don’t want to spend time in researching on a topic and then writing about it to earn small amounts of money. They want to earn more and in the accomplishment of that goal, they forget about their legal responsibilities. Instead of “wasting” their time in researching the topic, they simply use some software to rewrite the pre-written content for them.
Plagiarism also takes place when employers in an attempt to save money, outsource their marketing and writing projects to third world countries. These bulk works with low rate of payment provokes writers to use plagiarism techniques and go for quantity rather than quality.
People commit plagiarism when they run out of ideas on a particular topic or theme. The situation is so frustrating that copying content seems to be the only way out of it.
Even if there is a bundle of thousands of reasons on why plagiarism takes place, they can still not make it legal or lawful. It is unethically illegal and must be avoided even in the worst case scenarios. Or better yet, you can simply cite the name of the original author and make your life easy.