Hex To Decimal

Hex to decimal converter helps you convert hexadecimal values to decimal quickly. Enter the hex values in the given area and click “convert” to get an accurate hex conversion.

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The decimal to hexadecimal converter helps you to transform complex decimal numbers into hexadecimal in a few seconds. You can convert decimal to hex by following the simple steps:

Step-1: Enter the decimal values you want to convert to hexadecimal.

Step-2: You can also upload the file from your device with the decimal values.

Step-3: After adding the decimal values in the left-side box, click the “Convert” button to start the conversion process.

Step-4: Your entered decimal values will be converted to hex format, and the results will appear in the right-hand box immediately.

Step-5: Copy the results or click “Download” to save the file on your device.

The manual process of converting decimal to hex involves a complex procedure. You can perform the conversion by following the steps below:

Step 1: First, divide the decimal value you wish to convert into a hex by 16.

Step 2: Note the remainder value and divide the quotient again by 16.

Step 3: Repeat the division process until the quotient reaches 0.

Step 4: Note the remainder values from bottom to top. That’s the hexadecimal value for the decimal number you started converting.

You can better understand this method with the decimal to hex examples quoted below:

Example 1:

Let’s convert decimal value 450 to hexadecimal.

450/16 = 28 (quotient), 2 (remainder)

28/16 = 1 (quotient), 12 (remainder)

1/16 = 0 (quotient), 1 (remainder)

Now, as the quotient has come down to 0, we will note down the remainder values from bottom to top, i.e., 1122. The values above 9 are denoted as capital alphabets; hence, the value 12 will be written as C. So, the final Hexadecimal value for decimal value 450 is 1C2.

Example 2:

In this example, we will convert 4806 decimal to hex number.

4806/16 = 300 (quotient), 6 (remainder)

300/16 = 18 (quotient), 12 (remainder)

18/16 = 1 (quotient), 2 (remainder)

1/16 = 0 (quotient), 1 (remainder)

Hence, the hexadecimal value for the decimal value 4806 is 12C6.

Example 3:

Let’s consider converting an odd decimal value to hexadecimal.

3337/16 = 208 (quotient), 9 (remainder)

208/16 = 13 (quotient), 0 (remainder)

13/16 = 0 (quotient), 13 (remainder)

Hence, the hexadecimal value for the decimal value 3337 is D09.

The below decimal to hexadecimal conversion table can help you understand the precise representation of decimal values in hexadecimal.

Decimal Digits Hexadecimal Digits
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 D
14 E
15 F

1. (a) Conversion with Remainders (For Integer Part)

The method for converting decimal to hex with remainders for the integer part is quite simple and straightforward. You can conduct the conversion by following the following steps:

  • Take the decimal you want to convert into hexadecimal as a dividend.
  • Divide the decimal number by 16.
  • Note down the remainder value.
  • Repeat the process until the quotient comes down to zero.
  • List the remainder values from bottom to top. (replace the values 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 with A, B, C, D, E, and F, respectively.
  • You have got the hexadecimal translation for your required decimal value.

(b) Conversion with Remainders (For Fractional Part)

The fractional part of dec to hex conversion is the reverse of the aforementioned method. Follow the below procedure to convert fractional decimal to hex numbers.

  • Take the decimal fraction that you want to convert into hexadecimal.
  • Multiply it with 16.
  • Note down the integers of multiplied values.
  • Repeat the process until the integer comes down to zero.
  • List the integers, including the zero starting with a decimal point.
  • You have the hexadecimal conversion for the fractional part of the decimal value.

2. Conversion with Division

To convert decimal to hex numbers using the division method, you need to draw a table of the powers of 16. The procedure involves the following steps:

  • Take a decimal number to get started.
  • Draw a table containing the powers of 16.
  • Take the largest power of 16 and divide it by 16.
  • Note down the remainder.
  • Move towards the lower powers of 16 and repeat the process until the remainder is less than the base value.
  • List down the array of values, which will be the hexadecimal representation of your decimal value.

A computer system can represent the information using the hexadecimal number system. There are four different number systems a computer can use, and each number system has a defined computer data that it stores into or gets instructions from. These number systems include the Binary number system, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal (hex) number system.

Hexadecimal is a positional numeral system that digital devices use to encode information. The system was developed primarily to make the values easier to understand and more human-friendly.

The number system has 16 unique alphanumeric values from 0 to 9 and A to F, which are represented by 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9, A, B, C, D, E, and F. The most common and key use of the Hexadecimal system is encoding the binary language in computing and digital devices.

The number system has 16 unique alphanumeric values from 0 to 9 and A to F, which are represented by 0,1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9, A, B, C, D, E and F. The most common and key use of the Hexadecimal system is encoding the binary language in computing and digital devices

Computers recognize and read information as low and high voltage. To characterize the informational data, hexadecimal encoding is used to give instructions to the computer and the related electronic devices.

Digital data is encoded in a hex form where 1-9 and A-F signal the status of instructions to the computer. However, humans commonly use the typical base 10 system, whereas computers and digital devices use the hexadecimal numeral system.

Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion Table

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 A
11 B
12 C
13 D
14 E
15 F
16 10
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14
21 15
22 16
23 17
24 18
25 19
26 1A
27 1B
28 1C
29 1D
30 1E
31 1F
32 20
33 21
34 22
35 23
36 24
37 25
38 26
39 27
40 28
41 29
42 2A
43 2B
44 2C
45 2D
46 2E
47 2F
48 30
49 31
50 32
51 33
52 34
53 35
54 36
55 37
56 38
57 39
58 3A
59 3B
60 3C
61 3D
62 3E
63 3F
64 40
65 41
66 42
67 43
68 44
69 45
70 46
71 47
72 48
73 49
74 4A
75 4B
76 4C
77 4D
78 4E
79 4F
80 50
81 51
82 52
83 53
84 54
85 55
86 56
87 57
88 58
89 59
90 5A
91 5B
92 5C
93 5D
94 5E
95 5F
96 60
97 61
98 62
99 63
100 64
101 65
102 66
103 67
104 68
105 69
106 6A
107 6B
108 6C
109 6D
110 6E
111 6F
112 70
113 71
114 72
115 73
116 74
117 75
118 76
119 77
120 78
121 79
122 7A
123 7B
124 7C
125 7D
126 7E
127 7F
128 80
129 81
130 82
131 83
132 84
133 85
134 86
135 87
136 88
137 89
138 8A
139 8B
140 8C
141 8D
142 8E
143 8F
144 90
145 91
146 92
147 93
148 94
149 95
150 96
151 97
152 98
153 99
154 9A
155 9B
156 9C
157 9D
158 9E
159 9F
160 A0