Domain IP Lookup

Domain IP lookup tool helps to find the website IP address and its ownership details in a few seconds. Just paste the URL in the given field and click the “Check” button for results.

Clear text

You can use our domain IP lookup tool to figure out the IP address of any domain by following the steps given below:

Step 1: Enter a valid URL in the given box (with http:// or https://).

Step 2: Press the “Domain IP Lookup” button to initiate the process.

Step 3: The IP address and other details of the entered domain will be displayed on the screen in a matter of seconds.

The key features of our domain to IP lookup utility are discussed below:


You don’t need to get a specific device for using the domain IP lookup tool. The utility efficiently works on all operating systems, including Mac, Android, iOS, Windows, and Linux.

Registration Free

There is no need to sign up or buy any premium membership for using our website IP checker. You can use the utility for free as many times as you desire.

Quick & Accurate

This domain IP lookup tool detects the IP address of the entered domain and provides the results immediately.

The functionality of domain IP finder is based on advanced algorithms that convert the requested URL to an IP address. The website IP finder makes it easy for users to find the IP address of any website swiftly. All you need to do is to enter the desired URL in the given field, and the utility will fetch the IP address of the entered domain instantly. Moreover, the user-friendly interface of the utility makes it easy for the users to use it without any complexities.

Following are some of the benefits users can get by using the domain IP checker.

Improved Productivity

If you are wondering about the region from where a website is operating before making a decision to buy a product in bulk, the website IP checker can help you in this regard. You can use the utility to quickly figure out the IP address and ownership details of any domain.

Marketing Campaigns

In order to succeed on the web, you will have to closely analyze your competition for knowing the targeted audience and their behavior from location to location. This data is quite helpful in forming successful marketing campaigns that can generate results in a short span of time. You can use the domain IP lookup tool to find the locations from where your competitors are operating and figure out how to outclass them in the web world.