Hex To Decimal

Hex to decimal converter helps you convert hexadecimal values to decimal quickly. Enter the hex values in the given area and click “convert” to get an accurate hex conversion.

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Follow the below simple steps to convert hex to decimal online.

Step -1: Enter the hexadecimal code in the field you want to convert to decimal.

Step -2: You can also upload a file containing hexadecimal values from your device.

Step -3: Now click the “Convert” button.

Step -4: The converted decimals will appear in the right-hand side box.

Step -5: Copy the results or click the "Download" button to save the file to your device.

The key features of our hexadecimal to decimal converter are below.

Free / No Registration

Several online tools offer Hexa to decimal conversion services and require users first register on their website before using the service. However, our hex to decimal converter is a free-to-use online utility that doesn't require registration.

Easy-to-use interface

The hex to decimal converter has an easy-to-use interface that enables users to utilize it without following any conventional procedure.

Anywhere / Anytime

The hexadecimal to decimal converter is a web-based tool that can be easily accessed from anywhere. You only need a strong internet connection to use this hex to decimal converter online.

Fast Conversion

You will not have to wait long to get the conversion results. When you input the hex values and press convert, the hex to decimal converter will convert them to decimals and provide you with desired results in seconds.


The advanced algorithms of this hex to decimal converter generate accurate results in a few instances. You can double-check the conversion results or get them analyzed by professionals.


Our free hexadecimal to decimal converter works equally fine on all operating systems and devices. Whether you can use the tool on IOS, Android, Windows, or Linux, you will not find any useability issues.

Data Privacy

Duplichecker's hex to decimal converter will not store your updated data in the database as it is always committed to protecting its user's information. As soon as the conversion has been made, the entered/uploaded data will be removed. Furthermore, your entered data won't be disclosed or shared with anyone.

The traditional method of converting hex to decimal numbers was complicated and required ample time. Additionally, you must possess strong calculation skills to get accurate results. Still, the chances of getting 100% clear results are relatively low.

The following information will guide you about the manual method of converting hex to decimal.

  • Initiate the process by multiplying the hex number by 16.
  • Increase the number to a power of 0 and raise that power by 1 every time as per the hexadecimal number.
  • Start from the right of the hex number and go to the left when applying the power.
  • The power of 16 increases every time by multiplying each number with 16.

Hexadecimal to Decimal Example

The following example will state the manual process of hex to decimal conversion.

Suppose we want to convert D7 to a decimal value.

7 = 7 * (16 ^ 0) = 7

D = 13 * (16 ^ 1) = 208

208 + 7 = 21510

  • Start the process by converting hex numbers to their decimal equivalent. D is equal to decimal 13, and 7 is equal to decimal 7.

  • We multiplied the numbers 13 and 7 by 16 and their power. It is important to mention here that power always starts from zero.

  • The first multiplication had power of zero, and the second multiplication had 1 power. The (^) symbol signifies "raised to the power of. So, we multiply 16 by itself zero times. Anything that has the power of zero is equal to 1. So, we multiplied 7 by 1.

  • In the next section, we multiplied the value 13 by 16. We got 208 by this multiplication.

  • We added the results 7 and 208 and got an answer of 215.

Hexadecimal to Decimal Table

Hex (Base 16) Decimal (Base 10) Calculation
0 0 -
1 1 -
2 2 -
3 3 -
4 4 -
5 5 -
6 6 -
7 7 -
8 8 -
9 9 -
A 10 -
B 11 -
C 12 -
D 13 -
E 14 -
F 15 -
10 16 1×161+0×160 = 16
11 17 1×161+1×160 = 17
12 18 1×161+2×160 = 18
13 19 1×161+3×160 = 19
14 20 1×161+4×160 = 20
15 21 1×161+5×160 = 21
16 22 1×161+6×160 = 22
17 23 1×161+7×160 = 23
18 24 1×161+8×160 = 24
19 25 1×161+9×160 = 25
1A 26 1×161+10×160 = 26
1B 27 1×161+11×160 = 27
1C 28 1×161+12×160 = 28
1D 29 1×161+13×160 = 29
1E 30 1×161+14×160 = 30
1F 31 1×161+15×160 = 31
20 32 2×161+0×160 = 32
30 48 3×161+0×160 = 48
40 64 4×161+0×160 = 64
50 80 5×161+0×160 = 80
60 96 6×161+0×160 = 96
70 112 7×161+0×160 = 112
80 128 8×161+0×160 = 128
90 144 9×161+0×160 = 144
A0 160 10×161+0×160 = 160
B0 176 11×161+0×160 = 176
C0 192 12×161+0×160 = 192
D0 208 13×161+0×160 = 208
E0 224 14×161+0×160 = 224
F0 240 15×161+0×160 = 240
100 256 1×162+0×161+0×160 = 256
200 512 2×162+0×161+0×160 = 512
300 768 3×162+0×161+0×160 = 768
400 1024 4×162+0×161+0×160 = 1024

Hexadecimal, The Base 16 Number System

Hexadecimal or also called hex is a numbering system that uses 16 different numerals. This number system uses 16 as a base and consists of digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and alphabets A, B, C, D, E, F.

Here, A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15. So, simply we can say that Hexadecimal includes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F.

All digital devices read the information from 0 to 1 or from low-voltage to high-voltage. Hexadecimal is used to illustrate informational data to transmit to computing devices so they can decode or encode it.

Humans cannot interpret information in the alphanumeric system. They can only understand the base-10 (decimal system), while the computing devices work efficiently with the hexadecimal system.

Decimal, the Base 10 Numbering System

Decimal is one of the most commonly used number systems that humans usually prefer in their daily lives. This number format uses ten symbols or numerals that include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.

So, if you want to write ten, then there is no specific numeral for that, and you will represent it as 10, which defines that 1 ten and no units.

The writing of numbers in the base 10 includes numerals like “Units,” “Tens,” “Hundreds,” and “Thousands,” etc.

Now, 232 in decimal means Two Hundred, Three Tens, and Two Units, but we simply call it two hundred and thirty-two.

Hexadecimal and decimal number systems are used widely in different domains of the working sector. The most prominent reasons of these two numbering systems are below.

Uses of Hexadecimal

  • Base 16 number system is often used in Computer programming.
  • The number format is used to describe colors on web pages.
  • Hexadecimal is used in computer systems to identify memory locations.
  • The base 16-number format is simpler to read and write than other number systems for computer programmers.
  • The hexadecimal system is used to encode binary language into the computer and other digital machines.
  • It is extensively used by arithmeticians and computer science experts to Encode or Decode the info.

Uses of Decimal

  • The decimal system is easily understood by humans.
  • Decimal numbers are Dividable by 2 & 5.
  • Decimals are immensely used to analyze rational or irrational numbers.
  • The base 10 number system is preferred to convert fractions, percentages, and vice-versa.
  • People commonly use this number system for measuring length, area, volume, etc.
  • The base 10 number system is used for making complex calculations.
  • This number system is used to denote numbers on a number line.

Hex to Decimal Conversion Table

Hexadecimal Decimal
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
A 10
B 11
C 12
D 13
E 14
F 15
10 16
11 17
12 18
13 19
14 20
15 21
16 22
17 23
18 24
19 25
1A 26
1B 27
1C 28
1D 29
1E 30
1F 31
20 32
21 33
22 34
23 35
24 36
25 37
26 38
27 39
28 40
29 41
2A 42
2B 43
2C 44
2D 45
2E 46
2F 47
30 48
31 49
32 50
33 51
34 52
35 53
36 54
37 55
38 56
39 57
3A 58
3B 59
3C 60
3D 61
3E 62
3F 63
40 64
41 65
42 66
43 67
44 68
45 69
46 70
47 71
48 72
49 73
4A 74
4B 75
4C 76
4D 77
4E 78
4F 79
50 80
51 81
52 82
53 83
54 84
55 85
56 86
57 87
58 88
59 89
5A 90
5B 91
5C 92
5D 93
5E 94
5F 95
60 96
61 97
62 98
63 99
64 100
65 101
66 102
67 103
68 104
69 105
6A 106
6B 107
6C 108
6D 109
6E 110
6F 111
70 112
71 113
72 114
73 115
74 116
75 117
76 118
77 119
78 120
79 121
7A 122
7B 123
7C 124
7D 125
7E 126
7F 127
80 128