Text Summarizer

Use the text summarizer to wrap up a lengthy article or document in a short manner.

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Summary Length 50%

Words: 0/2000

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Words: 0

Rephrase Text
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Rephrase Text
Check Plagiarism

How to Summarize Text Efficiently?

The online text summarizer offered on Duplicheker is a smart and efficient way to summarize the text. To summarize text, follow the simple set of instructions given below.

  • Paste your text or click upload to submit the file.
  • Select your preferred mode: percentage, bullets, or main ideas.
  • Hit the “Summarize Text” button to get started.
  • Fetch summarized results instantly with a single click.

Break Limits of Text Summarization

DupliChecker’s free summarizer allows you to extract the main points of any content with its NLP (Natural Language Processing) algorithms.

AI Powered
Summarization in Paragraphs or Bullets
Unlimited Queries
No Costs Involved
Advanced Modes
Get the Essence of any Content
Condense Any Text
PDF, Essay, Article & Research Paper

Get Text Summarization with DupliChecker’s AI Summarizer

The advanced AI summarizer on DupliChecker helps in text summarization in your preferred way. When summarizing an essay, book, or article, you may want to get it in a list or paragraph form. This platform understands the need of all kinds of users; hence, it offers multiple ways to condense any information with its free summarizing tool. Our summarization tool allows you to:


Sum Up Via Percentage:

Decide the percentage of text you wish to extract.


Generate Bullet Points:

Extract the main points in the form of bullet points.


Summarize Main Ideas:

Condense the central idea of a text in a paragraph.

How Does Online Summarizing Tool Work?

Our text summarizer works on advanced algorithms that summarize any content efficiently and accurately. Once you submit your content for summarizing, it goes through the following stages:

Preprocessing and Cleaning of Text Data

At first, your text is preprocessed, and its data gets cleaned through NLP algorithms to interpret the context. Summarizing a text isn’t possible without understanding its central idea. Hence, this paragraph summarizer eliminates all ambiguities to comprehend the actual meaning of your submitted content.

Feature Extraction Techniques

A single piece of text is based on various features, and their extraction is mandatory for summarization. The backend of this online summarizer executes techniques for extracting textual content features. It is necessary to extract textual features to differentiate between primary and secondary information, which is vital for text summarization.

Machine Learning Algorithms in Summarization

The next step taken by the online text summarizer involves utilising machine learning algorithms. While picking essential points from your entered text, these algorithms inform this summarizer tool to include or avoid a specific sentence.

Evaluation Metrics for Text Summarization

Finally, this free summarizer utilizes evaluation metrics to complete the text summarization process. The metrics analyze and choose the inevitable info. This entire summarization concludes in a matter of seconds.

Practical Implementations of Online Summarizer

Summarizing textual information is essential for people working in various domains. The practical implementations of our text summarizer involve the following:


Streamlining News Articles and Blog Posts

News agencies and blog writers can’t share their lengthy content on social media platforms, like Twitter, due to a limitation on the number of characters. The blogs and news articles can still be streamlined for readers on social media platforms with the assistance of a summarizer. Using this article summarizer will also allow you to boost the audience's interaction with your content.


Research and Academia

When conducting literature reviews, researchers often need to examine numerous academic papers. Our online text summarizer can help researchers get an overview of the main findings and contributions of a paper without requiring them to go through each assignment. Similarly, the learners can utilize this article summarizer free to prepare minutes for presentations and conferences in academia.


Business and Content Marketing

Businesses and content marketers are usually involved in evaluating the latest trends. They need to stay connected with the industry news to keep their goals aligned with the market. However, you might need more time to keep yourself updated by reading relevant content pieces on a daily basis. You don’t have to worry, as this problem can be resolved using the summarization tool, as it can analyze any text and extract key points in no time.


PDF Summarizer

Whether you are a student or a professional, you might find it tiring and face boredom when it comes to going through lengthy PDF files. Still, the need of examining and evaluating a PDF to prepare a presentation or assignment is inevitable. Our PDF summarizer provides an excellent solution to this issue. You can use it to summarize PDFs and easily understand their main ideas.

Benefits of Using Our Summarizing Tool Online

You may come across various facilities over the web to summarize the text. However, our text summarizer stands out from all due to its top-notch features. You can enjoy various benefits by using our summarizing tool, such as the ones discussed below:

  • Our text summarizer does not charge a single penny from its users. You can generate unlimited summarizations free of cost.
  • Our online summarizer super-compatibility makes it easily accessible from any device. You can access this summarizer without any restrictions whether you have a Mac, Android, iOS, or Windows device.
  • All kinds of browsers support this online summarizing tool. From Opera to Chrome, Edge, Explorer, Safar, and Firefox, any browser can be used to summarize text.
  • Our summarizer tool doesn’t ask you to go through the hassle of getting registered. It allows you to initiate the process of summarizing a text on the go.
  • Its quick and efficient algorithms generate results in no time. You aren't required to invest time and effort while using our text summarizer online.

Frequently Asked Questions

The text summarizer on DupliChecker is 100% accurate in summarizing any kind of text. Our summarizing tool is based on AI algorithms that conduct this task on your behalf with ultimate accuracy.

Yes! The summarizer tool is capable of handling summarization of text in different languages. Using this paragraph summarizer, you can summarize text from various languages, such as German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, etc.

Yes! The text summarizer utilizes the power of AI to process your request and generate reliable results. You can summarize text with this AI summarizer and get an accurate result in the desired output form efficiently.

From blog posts to product descriptions, academic research, and news articles, any type of text can be summarized with the article summarizer. It imposes no limitation on the kind of content that can or cannot be summarized.

Yes! You can easily pick your desired output requirements on the text summarizer online offered on DupliChecker. It gives you the option to select from its three modes: percentage, bullet points, and main ideas.

As Seen On
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