Text To Binary

Text to binary converter is a web-based utility that helps you convert text to binary code online within seconds. Just type your text in the given area and press convert to get accurate binary codes.

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You can use our online text to binary converter by following the below steps.

Step-1: Enter the text that you want to convert to binary code in the input box.

Step-2: You can also upload the file containing text from your device.

Step-3: After adding the text in the left-side box, click the “Convert” button for conversion.

Step-4: The text will be converted into binary code, and the result will appear instantly in the right box.

Step-5: Copy the results to the clipboard or click the "Download" button to save the file to your device.

Several online tools provide English to binary code conversions, but most are paid or require registration before you can make use of them. However, you can use our online English to binary translator without facing hassles.

Some of the main features of text to binary translator are discussed below.

100% Free

Duplichecker provides a free online text to binary converter that allows users to perform unlimited conversions. Moreover, there is no registration required to use this utility.

Easy to Use

The user-friendly interface of the English to binary translator enables users to translate English text to binary code without any complex process.

Fast Conversion

Instead of trying conventional ways of converting text to binary that require ample time and effort, you can use the words to binary code converter to get the fastest conversion. Just enter text into the input box and click the convert button, the utility will process the conversion and display results immediately.


The online word to binary converter provides 100% accurate results to the users. The smart algorithms used by the tool process your entered text and provide you with flawless results in a few seconds. If you want to ensure accuracy, you can double-check the results manually.


Whether you have an Android, IOS, Mac, or Desktop device, you can easily access and use this text to binary converter online. The utility works exquisitely fine on all devices.

The traditional methods of converting letters to binary require strong mathematical skills and an ample amount of time. However, the chances of getting accurate results are very low through manual conversion.

By following the simple steps, you can convert the text into binary code manually without facing difficulties.

  • To start the process, take the English character and convert it to an ASCII value. Each character has its own ASCII value. For example, the small character “d” has an ASCII value of 100.
  • Now, convert the decimal value into its corresponding base-2 value. Mean, the decimal value “100” has to be converted into the binary value, which is 1100100.
  • Make sure that the binary value has 8 binary digits. In case the binary value doesn’t have 8 digits, you can insert additional 0’s at the beginning to make it 8 bits long. For instance, the binary value “1100100” has seven binary digits. Hence you can make it 8 bits long by adding 0’s like “01100100”.
  • Similarly, you can use this procedure to determine the binary value of every character in your text.

Computers understand the commands and store data in the form of Binary units. Binary language is a computer-understandable language that uses 0 and 1 digits to represent information to a machine when the data is being encoded.

Each instruction attached to a binary code performs a specific function. These codes are then encoded into the computers as either a binary digit combination or by converting the text into binary code to make the process easier.

ASCII has 128 unique characters and among these characters, there are 95 printable characters and 33 non-printable characters. These include the alphabets, numbers, and punctuation marks and each alphabet or symbol uses a combination of binary strings.

These printable characters are translated into binary digits; for instance, capital A has a binary string of 01000001. With the numeric, the string is shorter with singular numbers and expands as the digits add up. Since computers store data in their memory as eight-bit bytes, a machine code contains 256 possible 8-bit values. Defining each eight-bit value is what computers understand and store as information.

This base-2 or binary number system is widely used in mathematics and computer systems. The number system has two values 0 and 1, which are known as binary numbers.

In digital electronics, and to be more precisely said, the digital electronic circuits use logic gates with values of 0 and 1. Computer-based devices such as mobile phones and tablets also use the binary system internally to give instructions to the devices.

The programming of binary data is shaped in such a sequence that each alphabet, numeric value or symbol character has a distinct combination of 0 and 1 which are hard to think of at once while encoding the data.

In text-to-binary encoding, binary values are encoded to form data for computer instructions. For example, some system's specifications hinder dealing with more sets of characters that they can handle, not just the multiple strings of binary digits, while some cannot utilize all the printable text characters.

Adding to this, some systems also have limited character space that may appear between line breaks, such as the “1000 characters per line” limit. However, simplifying the text into binary digits can help in encoding the data into the device regardless of the complications in its system support.

Ascii Hexadecimal Binary
Space 20 00100000
! 21 00100001
" 22 00100010
# 23 00100011
$ 24 00100100
% 25 00100101
& 26 00100110
' 27 00100111
( 28 00101000
) 29 00101001
* 2A 00101010
+ 2B 00101011
, 2C 00101100
- 2D 00101101
. 2E 00101110
/ 2F 00101111
0 30 00110000
1 31 00110001
2 32 00110010
3 33 00110011
4 34 00110100
5 35 00110101
6 36 00110110
7 37 00110111
8 38 00111000
9 39 00111001
: 3A 00111010
; 3B 00111011
< 3C 00111100
= 3D 00111101
> 3E 00111110
? 3F 00111111
@ 40 01000000
A 41 01000001
B 42 01000010
C 43 01000011
D 44 01000100
E 45 01000101
F 46 01000110
G 47 01000111
H 48 01001000
I 49 01001001
J 4A 01001010
K 4B 01001011
L 4C 01001100
M 4D 01001101
N 4E 01001110
O 4F 01001111
P 50 01010000
Q 51 01010001
R 52 01010010
S 53 01010011
T 54 01010100
U 55 01010101
V 56 01010110
W 57 01010111
X 58 01011000
Y 59 01011001
Z 5A 01011010
[ 5B 01011011
\ 5C 01011100
] 5D 01011101
^ 5E 01011110
_ 5F 01011111
` 60 01100000
a 61 01100001
b 62 01100010
c 63 01100011
d 64 01100100
e 65 01100101
f 66 01100110
g 67 01100111
h 68 01101000
i 69 01101001
j 6A 01101010
k 6B 01101011
l 6C 01101100
m 6D 01101101
n 6E 01101110
o 6F 01101111
p 70 01110000
q 71 01110001
r 72 01110010
s 73 01110011
t 74 01110100
u 75 01110101
v 76 01110110
w 77 01110111
x 78 01111000
y 79 01111001
z 7A 01111010
{ 7B 01111011
| 7C 01111100
} 7D 01111101
~ 7E 01111110
DEL 7F 01111111