Text To Hex

This text to hex converter lets you convert text to hexadecimal format with one click. Just paste the text and click the convert button for accurate conversion.

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You can use our text to hexadecimal converter by following the below steps:

  1. Enter the text in the input box you want to convert into hex format. You can also upload a file containing the text.
  2. After entering the text, click the “Convert to hex” button to start the conversion.
  3. The utility will convert text to hex values and display results instantly.
  4. You can copy the results to the clipboard, or simply download the file by clicking "Download".

Following are some of the key features that distinguish our text to hex converter from other online tools:

Free to Use

Duplichecker provides a free text to hex converter that allows you to convert the textual information into hex format within seconds. Users are not even needed to perform any registration for using this online utility.

Easily Accessible

The English to hex converter is a web-based utility that can be easily accessible from anywhere. You only need a good browser and a stable internet connection to use this text to hex online utility.

One-Click Conversion

The online text to hex converter provides the quickest hex conversion to the users. You only need to enter the text and click the “convert to hex” button to complete the conversion.

Fast & Accurate Results

The advance algorithims of the English to hexadecimal converter makes the conversion process quite quick. Moreover, you don’t need to worry about the results accuracy, as the utility provides 100% accurate results.

Compatible with All Devices

You won’t face compatibility issues while using the text to hex converter online. Whether you are using an Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, or Mac device, you can easily access and use these letters to hex converter.

Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system. It represents numbers from zero to fifteen which include 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F. Computer systems can use the hex number system for various reasons. It is used by computers to understand binary code or to turn it into a more human-readable form.

Computers store all characters in binary patterns, whether they are text or numbers. But when we are talking about hex, it is an even better format, because it turns the characters into a shorter version and also reduces the amount of space the values or characters occupy.

A single hex digit represents four bits, also known as nibbles. Hex codes are used by humans to simplify the file size or interpret it more correctly. There are many areas where a hex value can be used.

For example, all the colors are assigned specific hex values, and these numbers can be used to refer to the colors on the web pages. The programs that are used to edit images store all the values of the colors. There is a special symbol which is used to represent a hex value, and that is the Hashtag (#). The values are written after it is taken as hexadecimal digits when describing colors.

The hex values are also used to refer to the location of errors found during the programming phase. These numbers refer to the memory location of the mistakes so a programmer can detect and fix the problem.

In programming, it is quite difficult for programmers to understand binary numbers due to their complex nature. Hex encoding is the easiest way out of this problem for programmers. The text to hexadecimal encoding helps a lot in programming, as you can easily generate the values that are easily understandable for both you and the computers.

In programming, even a single-digit error won’t let you get the desired results you’re looking for. Therefore, you should make use of text to hex encoding and get your hands on accurate hex values without investing time and effort.

Hex encoding is a system of encoding that converts each byte to 2-digit codes in hexadecimal. Hex encoding system preserves the code from leading zeros to represent binary codes in plain text. It is widely used to store data into two-byte strings for representing certain characters.

Text to hex encoding is essential when you need to send or store 8-bit data in a media that accepts 6 to 7 bits of data. The encoding is usually performed by turning 8-bit data into two hex characters. These converted characters are stored as a string of two bytes and are quite easy to read.

Sometimes, you may need to use a separator to make the converted data easier for humans to understand. In some scenarios, each byte of information may require up to 12 bytes or even more when 8 bits are converted into three characters and each character is stored as 1-4 bytes.

Hex encoding is useful in places where readability is an issue. The human readability of codes becomes quite tough with the binary system. So, if you also if you have a readability problem, it is recommended to make use of Hex encoding.

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) is the most commonly used character set and after that there is Unicode. ASCII contains a 7-bit set of codes, which is sufficient for every alphabet (lower or uppercase), number and other special characters found on the keyboard. Whereas Unicode uses eight and thirty-two bits per figure which is why it is not highly preferred because it occupies a lot of space.

ASCII code was initially designed for old computers and machines from telegraphic codes, and now it is based on 128 symbols ranging from 0-127, which include numbers zero to nine, all alphabets, and a number of punctuation marks. Today, these signs are widely used in telecoms, computer equipment, and similar devices.

Each word is a compilation of symbols or characters and whenever you press a key on a text editor the symbol for that key is posted. It is also known as a character code, and a full group of characters is called a character set.

Text to Hex Conversion Table

ASCII Binary Hex
NUL 00000000 00
SOH 00000001 01
STX 00000010 02
ETX 00000011 03
EOT 00000100 04
ENQ 00000101 05
ACK 00000110 06
BEL 00000111 07
BS 00001000 08
HT 00001001 09
LF 00001010 0A
VT 00001011 0B
FF 00001100 0C
CR 00001101 0D
SO 00001110 0E
SI 00001111 0F
DLE 00010000 10
DC1 00010001 11
DC2 00010010 12
DC3 00010011 13
DC4 00010100 14
NAK 00010101 15
SYN 00010110 16
ETB 00010111 17
CAN 00011000 18
EM 00011001 19
SUB 00011010 1A
ESC 00011011 1B
FS 00011100 1C
GS 00011101 1D
RS 00011110 1E
US 00011111 1F
Space 00100000 20
! 00100001 21
" 00100010 22
# 00100011 23
$ 00100100 24
% 00100101 25
& 00100110 26
' 00100111 27
( 00101000 28
) 00101001 29
* 00101010 2A
+ 00101011 2B
- 00101101 2D
. 00101110 2E
/ 00101111 2F
0 00110000 30
1 00110001 31
2 00110010 32
3 00110011 33
4 00110100 34
5 00110101 35
6 00110110 36
7 00110111 37
8 00111000 38
9 00111001 39
: 00111010 3A
; 00111011 3B
< 00111100 3C
= 00111101 3D
> 00111110 3E
? 00111111 3F
@ 01000000 40
A 01000001 41
B 01000010 42
C 01000011 43
D 01000100 44
E 01000101 45
F 01000110 46
G 01000111 47
H 01001000 48
I 01001001 49
J 01001010 4A
K 01001011 4B
L 01001100 4C
M 01001101 4D
N 01001110 4E
O 01001111 4F
P 01010000 50
Q 01010001 51
R 01010010 52
S 01010011 53
T 01010100 54
U 01010101 55
V 01010110 56
W 01010111 57
X 01011000 58
Y 01011001 59
Z 01011010 5A
[ 01011011 5B
\ 01011100 5C
] 01011101 5D
^ 01011110 5E
_ 01011111 5F
` 01100000 60
a 01100001 61
b 01100010 62
c 01100011 63
d 01100100 64
e 01100101 65
f 01100110 66
g 01100111 67
h 01101000 68
i 01101001 69
j 01101010 6A
k 01101011 6B
l 01101100 6C
m 01101101 6D
n 01101110 6E
o 01101111 6F
p 01110000 70
q 01110001 71
r 01110010 72
s 01110011 73
t 01110100 74
u 01110101 75
v 01110110 76
w 01110111 77
x 01111000 78
y 01111001 79
z 01111010 7A
{ 01111011 7B
| 01111100 7C
} 01111101 7D
~ 01111110 7E
DEL 01111111 7F